I made all these scuptures and dedicated each one to someone or, in the case of prentented collective work, to some group (); they have been asked to find a name, first name, nationality and date of birth for "their artist" based on a short story I built. Some of them even complement the story. All the project is summed up in a "visitor guide" and in a "Journal de la Fondation Bourgine".
Below, the introduction provided in the "visitor guide".
All sculptures and installations are on the theme of biotechnology.
The gardens are illuminated by "black light" (UV around 395 nm), highlighting the fluorescent colors; these absorb UV rays and reflect them in the visible range, so they appear very bright.
For this exhibition, the curator of the FB, Sarah Bloementhal, has solicited the participation of several collectives and artists of various cultures and origins. In total, two collectives, an architectural firm, a couple of visual artists and 7 other artists answered the call.
Their interventions do not only evoke the power of biotechnology and its hybridization via transhumanism but also explore the poetic, playful and aesthetic dimensions.